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  • Greater Visibility For Your Listings
    Items processed via HuntStreet Assist service have the unrivalled benefit of a premium listing position to ensure the highest visiblity.
  • Express Shipping
    All items processed via HuntStreet Assist Service will be shipped out within 1 working day after an order is confirmed. The faster the item is shipped - the faster you can cash out!
  • Dedicated Account Manager
    Have questions on your items? Speak to your dedicated account manager available to you 7 days a week for assistance on all your selling needs.
  • Available for Viewing
    Luxury items sell faster when there is an option for viewing. With our HuntStreet Assist Service, your items can be made available for viewing by appointment.
  • Exclusive Promotions
    Items processed via our HuntStreet Assist Service may be included in exclusive promotional campaigns, increasing the chances of your item being sold.
  • Professional Appraisal
    Not sure how to price your items? Our Appraisal team recommends optimal selling prices based on historical data and current market trends.
  • Professional Photography
    Sell your items more quickly with our professional photography and editing to display your listings in the best angle and light.
  • Attractive Listing Descriptions
    Experienced copywriters will assist you in inputting the most attractive and comprehensive information for your listing to entice potential buyers.
How It Works
1 Pickup/Drop Off Your Items
Register yourself as a seller on our site and schedule a drop-off or pick-up time for your items.
2 Approve Our Appraisal
Approve our suggested selling prices once your items are processed and quality controlled by us.
3 Items Listed
With your approval, we will assist you with photographing and inputting detailed descriptions of your items that will be added to your closet.
4 Get Paid!
We will assist you to ship your sold items to your buyer. Get paid 7 days after the item is shipped.

For further instructions, watch the video how to sell below!

By registering as a Seller on HuntStreet, Seller agrees to our Selling Terms and Conditions
Schedule Pickup/Drop off
HuntStreet Assist Service Fees
Bags, SLGs & Accessories
Selling Price Service Fee
≤ SGD 1,499 25% or minimum fee of SGD 80
(whichever is higher)
SGD 1,500 - SGD 4,999 22%
SGD 5,000 - SGD 9,999 17%
SGD 10,000 - SGD 29,999 12% or capped at SGD 1,800
(whichever is lower)
≥ SGD 30,000 7% or capped at SGD 5,000
(whichever is lower)
Shoes & Clothes
Selling Price Service Fee
≤ SGD 249 40% or minimum fee of SGD 80
(whichever is higher)
SGD 250 - SGD 499 37%
≥ SGD 500 32%
Frequently Asked Question
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